By Kym Cousins
Selling With Heart
Growing your business with authenticity and trust
‘Selling With Heart – Growing your Business with Authenticity and Trust’ will help you connect to your core values and your natural communication style, enabling you to sell with your heart from a place of giving and service – without feeling pushy, ‘sales-y’ or ‘icky’. This book will also teach you how to recognise and understand how your customer likes to buy, how to align your sales communication for maximum connection and ensure that your customer doesn’t feel like they have been ‘sold’! By taking a ‘heart-felt’ approach growing your business on a foundation of authenticity and trust, your customers will become your loyal advocates, who keep returning to you for advice and hold you in high regard as an expert in your field and a ‘trusted advisor’.
Kym Cousins
Kym Cousins is best known for her passion in enabling success and developing people in the areas of sales, marketing, communication and leadership. She is the CEO and Founder of Sprout Business Growth – a national Training and Coaching consultancy, which partners with sales leaders, business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals who are growth focused and outcome driven.
Selling with Heart
“Whether you’re a CEO seeking to scale, an entrepreneur seeking start-up funding, or a leader seeking to connect, this book will become your bible for how to sell with confidence. ‘Selling with Heart’ is beautifully written with practical advice and relevant stories. Kym has a wealth of experience that she shares with candid authenticity. Enjoy this book and give it as a gift to anyone in business you care about.”
“As they say, without a sale nothing happens, yet so many people feel that sales are tacky. I’ve read many books on sales strategies but nothing like this. Kym actually tackles the real challenges people face when selling and gives practical yet easy to use techniques that can literally change the way you sell immediately. Like everything, there is an elegant way to sell and Kym shares the exact strategies she uses every day. I would highly recommend this book to anyone truly ready to change the way they sell from feeling ‘icky and tacky’ to being confident selling their products or services by understanding that they are serving their clients, not selling to them Well done Kym!”
“In a disconnected world of social media and smartphones, and with AI, VR and augmented reality now upon us, it’s never been more important for sales people and business owners everywhere to connect with their precious customers at a deeper level. The way we used to before the onslaught of technology. If you’re head’s nodding, then I highly recommend Selling With Heart be your next read.”
“If you are new to selling or struggling to make your sales number, Selling With Heart will
immediately help you tap into your purpose and passion and gain the confidence you need
to achieve your sales goals!”
“”Brilliant sales book, especially for the times we’re in. Selling has had a bad wrap for so many years, what I love about Kym’s book is that it strips it back to the bare essentials and empowers people to sell through serving in their unique way. This is a definite read for any sales expert or business owner who wants to fall in love with selling! Bravo Kym! “
“This has changed my perspective on selling forever. I have always held a stereotypical view of ‘selling’ and disliked the idea of being pushy in any way, shape or form. But Kym’s book has shown me being your authentic self is the biggest drawcard for potential clients!
This has helped me to approach marketing myself and my business in a much more connected fashion and I no longer feel obliged to follow a prescribed process that feels like effort. Thank you, Kym for switching those lights on for me and creating this resource I refer to so often that it hasn’t left my desk!“

Available Now
Selling With Heart
Selling is not a dirty word.
Let’s face it, selling often gets a bad rap, but to be successful in business – you have to sell!
Are you missing opportunities in business and life, because you avoid selling, or hide behind your social media? Could it be due to lack of confidence, courage, or selling skills? Or is it that you just don’t want to be like ‘those’ salespeople, who come across as salesy, pushy, or aggressive?
Here’s the thing – selling doesn’t have to (and shouldn’t) be like that.
Today, more than ever, buyers are craving the ‘human-to- human’ contact and meaningful connections that have been lost in the big wide world of overly curated social media, and impersonal chat bots.
This book is all about reclaiming that connection by getting back to the basics of attracting and retaining loyal customers, being confident in your sales interactions, and creating a winning mindset.
You will uncover your heart-led values and natural (sales!) superpowers so you can authentically share your expertise with the world and improve your customers’ lives and businesses. The best part? You can do it all without feeling sales-y, pushy, or aggressive.
This book will help you discover:
•Your passion for being of service to your customers
•How to feel natural, authentic, relaxed, and excited about selling
•The courage to develop and promote yourself as a unique selling proposition and differentiator in your market.